Yosha Bunko

Chōya shinbun
No. 1377
Meiji 11-3-18 (1878-3-18) (otodoke)
Cop battles shizoku

Story in brief

The shizoku Nakayama Gennosuke, of Higashi-Morishimo-chō in Fukugaha (•Ÿģ Fukukawa), made the daughter of Tamura Iwasuke, of Kamezaha-chō (‹TąV’¬ Kamezawa-chō) in Honjo, his wife. (WW)



As his name suggests, the drawer, Toshinobu (”NM 1857-1886), was a student of Yoshitoshi (–F”N 1839-1892). As noted in the publishing particulars shown in the lower right margin, he was legally Yamazaki Tokusaburō (ŽRč“æŽO˜Y). See Toshinobu on the "Who's who" page in the "Almanac" section for details.


Print information

Series: Chōya shinbun
Number: 1377
Date: Meiji 11-3-18 (1878-3-18) (otodoke)
Publisher: Hayashi Kichizō (—Ń‹g‘ )
Drawer: Yamazaki Toshinobu (Yamazaki Tokusaburō)
Carver: Unstated
Writer: Unstated
Size: Ōban
Image: Yosha Bunko
